Nova Esports Announces Partnership with Monster Shield | Nova MS
Nova Esports will be partnering with Monster Shield (MS), one of Taiwan’s premier esports organizations.
As an internationally-established esports organization, Nova Esports recognizes and values the potential of the Taiwanese esports market, and therefore will be entering into a partnership with Taiwanese esports team Monster Shield. Jointly, Nova Monster Shield, will field professional teams across a number of tournaments and competitions, and content platforms throughout the regions of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. This marks the first time in the history of Taiwanese esports that a local team has collaborated with an international team like Nova.
Monster Shield co-founder Alan said, “Our first step is to continue to work hard with our players, strongly adhering to our original mission, hoping to bring glory to Taiwan.” We hope to work jointly with Monster Shield to develop Taiwan’s blossoming esports scene and provide an international outlet for Taiwanese grassroots gaming to grow.
After intensive discussion, both partners will enter this joint venture to develop and strengthen esports in the China, Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and Southeast Asian regions, competing under the name of Nova Monster Shield (Nova MS). We hope that the union of Nova’s international brand and experience with the local knowledge and infrastructure developed by Monster Shield will create an exciting future for Taiwanese esports.
Nova MS’s first competition will be at the PUBG World Cup in Macau from January 10th-12th. Nova MS’s Arena of Valor team will also be competing in the spring season of competitions from late January onwards.