Nova Signs Top PUBG Team Infamous
H1Z1, Fortnite Battle Ground, and PUBG all have one major thing in common; they are fun as hell to play! So, it would only make sense for us here at Nova eSports to acquire a team to compete to be the best in yet another game. We would love to welcome our team to the Nova Family; captain itzSwisher, Loknarb, JayAllDay, Sorrowy, and Tryp2k.
Though not offifically released yet, PUBG is one of the fastest growing games on steam. If you have been there from the beginning you know both the joy and pain this game has given you, but it was just to good to put it down! Our team is very well known around the PUBGOnline community and throughout the scene. Some of this good, some of it bad! Every team comes with a reputation and to say these guys didn’t would be a lie that everyone would see through. What we did see in our team is the ability to grow, mature both as young men and players, and their dedication to this game! This is something as an org we have always had pride in ourselves in that we foster a positive learning environment for our players to grow together with some of the best resources at hand. We are proud to have this team as we earn our way through the different divisions to hopefully one day fight our way to the top of the Curse leader boards! If you see us in a match don’t worry Jay can never hit his grenade throws anyways and Swisher probably went AFK to check a text! No, but seriously, if you do see us you might want to take the nearest motorbike and go the other direction. We are now here to compete and earn the respect of this community!
Here's to all the Chicken Dinners we will be eating in the future!
See you on the Battlegrounds!
Nova eSports