Nova Welcomes RumblySuperset to the #NovaFam (+GIVEAWAY)
We are incredibly excited to announce that RumblySuperSet will be joining the Nova eSports Content Creation Team, and will be a focal point of the organization moving forward. It’s no secret that we have been expanding recently, and a major focus for us is content creation. Rumbly checks all of the boxes for us and more; he is respectful, intelligent, mature, and an outstanding member of the community. We are incredibly eager to work with Rumbly on our new community initiatives and look forward to all that we can do together.
With the recent growth of Nova, and expansion into new titles, we feel it’s increasingly important to remember our roots and founding purpose, which is to be an esports organization that puts community first and foremost. We firmly believe that Content creators are the key to a strong community relationship, and are the perfect people to bridge the gap between Nova and the community. When we initially began discussions with Rumbly, he similarly expressed the importance of community within eSports, and we quickly came to realize that our beliefs were almost perfectly aligned. With this announcement expect to see some major community initiatives, starting with a giveaway to celebrate this new partnership!
For those who don’t know RumblySuperSet, he is the biggest Vainglory content creator, as well as the premier Arena of Valor creator. He has been a staple of the Vainglory community from its inception, priding himself on high quality, informative and entertaining content. We at Nova look forward to everything that we know this promising new endeavor will bring!