VPL Preseason Ends with Nova VG Finishing Strong
Over the past five weeks Nova Vainglory has been competing in VPL Preseason Invitational against several tough competitors. After two losses to start the preseason, Nova dominated the last half of the season by not losing a single match. Nova finished 5-2 tied with Tribe Gaming for 2nd place.
Comeback on Sovereigns Rise
After a rough start to the preseason, Nova made a comeback in Week Four against Slimy Salamanders to gain our second win. Following that exciting match, the next weekend Nova kept up their synergy, winning close matches against Tribe Gaming and Hammers Esports. In the Final weekend of VPL, we took the win versus Vision Gaming to finish the preseason on a 4 game win streak.
Looking Forward
Nova secured a spot for the 2018 Summer Opens. Starting in June, VPL will have a beautiful new studio in Las Vegas and Nova VG anticipates an exciting and eventful season. If you missed any VPL games you can watch them by clicking here.
As always Nova Fam, keep up with Nova Esports on Twitter @NovaEsportsTeam for updates on Nova VG and other action-packed games. #NovaStrong